Make a f8k ton of MONEY by being yourself. Yeah… it’s THAT simple.


Hi. Psst. PSST. Can I tell you a secret? 

You can have it ALL. In life. In business. In whatever the f*ck you want. You don’t have to choose. 

Have your cake and eat it too. 

A sh*t-ton of income. Crazy Impact. A business that you ADORE. And weekends off to spend cuddling your tiny human or fur baby, wearing your floof robe, and adventuring with your fav people. 

That’s the Cake Money we’re talking about.

Cake Money Method is a movement. 

One that says you can do the damn thing your way, make tons of CASH and scale your business without the side of overwhelm, burn out, and ‘someone save me.’ 

With BS-free advice, million-dollar mindset shifts, and will-work strategies - you can ditch the ‘ick’ factor and feel good about your zesty marketing and free-flowin’ sales. 


 Screw alarm clocks. You’re waking up to the ping of payment notifications

(And coffee with a side of cash – no snoozin’ necessary)


Hi fam,
I’m Taylor


And before Cake Money Consulting, I was…a teacher! Full-time. 

But I wanted a sh*t-ton more out of life. More impact. More freedom. More reach. 



Aka easy money that happens because I’m runnin’ my business the way I want to. Not because someone is making me follow a blueprint that’s been passed out to 1000s of people.

SIMPLE business. FULL life and bank account. That was the motto from Day 1. 


By kindly saying ‘f*ck off’ to scaling strategies that didn’t feel aligned, I hit over $400,000 in my first full calendar year while teaching full-time and growing a tiny human in my body. 

And if I can do it, of freakin’ course you can too! 

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14 million IG posts per day? I’m grabbing a candle and burning that sh*t to the ground. 


You didn’t start a business to be glued to your phone. 

Spending your life chasing likes. Editing graphics in Canva a million times then NOT posting them ‘cause they aren’t perfect. Writing captions that have to appeal to all 1500 types of your ‘buyer personas.’ 

You didn’t become an entrepreneur just to be like EVERYONE else. You came here to innovate. Be different. Not follow a copy-and-paste blueprint.

You don’t wanna have to push people into your world with hard sells and perfectly planned out ‘objection-killing’ scripts. 

And I’m positive you don’t want to DM outreach with the same old ‘hey girllll’ line that you KNOW your ideal clients are gonna sniff out from a mile away. 

*Insert viral reel sound* “Immediately no. Immediately no. I’ve seen what I needed to see…” 


I’m not following *formulas* that are made for millions when I KNOW my business is 1 in a million. 

And you sure as sh*t aren’t either. Anyone who tells ya otherwise…send ‘em my way ;) 


Fam success

I’m shouting these epic humans from the rooftops


Your business doesn’t belong in a box. You’re not typical. You’re not a blueprint. You’re not a launch formula. You’re not a content calendar. You’re not a ‘follow this marketing plan to a tee’ kinda woman. 

Burn that sh*t to the ground and SCALE your business as the real YOU. 

And the version of you with a ton of cash in your bank account. 


Join the Cake Money Method 


Build a business that you’re OBSESSED with. One that makes a sh*t-ton of cash and still gives you the time you want to spend with the people you love most. 


Something’s gonna happen when you join the movement.


You’re going to: 

  • Love yourself a heck of a lot more AND believe that you can ditch what’s not working and build a business that FEELS good

  • Give less f*cks about what other people think. Mom. Becky. Random chick from 3rd grade. No one’s opinion can take you away from what you want.

  • Make selling feel like self-care. And those account notifications: BLISS

  • Turn your business into an ATM on legs. One that you can step away from, unplug and it’s STILL makin’ all the CASH money 

I mean, results don’t lie fam


Ready. Set. Skyrocket the f*ck out of your business. 


Let’s normalize making a ton of money AND having time to do all the things! 

(And by all the things, I mean quality time with your favs, climbing a f*cking mountain if you want to, or FINALLY going all in on that cake decorating hobby) 

Let’s skip to dessert. 


Grab access to Cake Money Method and get all my fluff-free advice served up hot and ready to eat on a silver platter. 


By signing up, you’ll get:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the Cake Money Method Curriculum (PLUS access to the OG Curriculum)

  • Money-makin’ bonuses that are worth an extra $20K (no big deal… but also like a really BIG f*cking deal)

Investment: $2000 Paid in full


Pay In Full

Investment: $2000


4-Month Plan

Investment: $550 per month for 4 months

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Module one: LOVE yourself MORE (VALUE: PRICELESS) 


Learning how to love yourself MORE, FIRST, for ALL that you are is the difference between

  1. forcing yourself to be someone you’re not online, feeling incredibly nervous/scared/overwhelmed and money feeling REALLY hard and 

  2. KNOWING you, your message, your expertise, your offer, your bank account are a BIG f*cking deal

spoiler alert -- we’re here for B fam. This is where the magic begins; IN THIS MODULE, you cultivate the mindst + energy to take on anything… even the haters who shit on your office b00bs lights LOL

  • Learn how to fully trust and co-create with your desires -- literally the foundation of my million dollar company.

  • Tap into unlimited confidence and BIG DEAL ENERGY by working WITH your uniqueness. Hint hint: you are a perfect fit for the perfect person

  • Cultivate an unwavering belief that you are WORTHY and CAPABLE now, exactly as you are

  • Learn how to recognize, reframe, and reset ALL limiting beliefs (also known as 🍆 brain thoughts) to ensure you walk away with that BIG DEAL ENERGY we chatted about earlier

  • Tap into your intuition, discover your greatest gifts, and learn how to position them to create massive income and impact

  • Plus, I share my number one practice for ensuring my energy is ALWAYS contagious AF


Module two: give LESS f*cks (VALUE: PRICELESS)


Learn how to lead a business built on CONNECTION and truly show up in your POWER… all while giving less f*cks about what others think. These techniques helped me generate over 700k in less than 12 months and now it’s YOUR TURN. In this module, you connect with YOUR people and build a profitable and loyal AF community that CANNOT wait to pay you.

Say it with me: “People wake up and cannot wait to pay me.” That’s the vibe here.

  • Learn how to position yourself as the go-to expert while EMPOWERING your people (icky tactics & mean girl marketing is a forever thing of the past)

  • Turn your magnetism ALL THE WAY UP to attract the dreamiest soulmate clients with content that deeply resonates and connects. Here you learn to lead yourself and your community powerfully.

  • Cultivate a social media presence so contagious you wake up to DMs like “I love your energy. How can I work with you?”

  • Tap into my most profitable energetic shifts and strategies that actually WORK when it comes to showing up online


Module three: Selling is Self-care (VALUE: PRICELESS) 


What you’ve been taught about sales? All the way from big names online to pushy used car salesmen… THROW ALL THAT SHIT OUT THE WINDOW. What if you could leave the world a better place simply by selling? Inside The Cake Money Method, we do sales differently; we sell in a way that feels like self-care. You know that feeling after a long bubble bath? YEP… Selling gets to feel THAT GOOD. & that bubble bath? It’s now full of hundred dollar bills. Here, your business & bank account become a REALLY big fucking deal.

  • The way I approach sales: honest & transparent (and also… laid back + chill AF). Learn how to position your offer, powerfully talk about it online, and welcome the dreamiest clients into your containers in a way that lights you the FUK UP -- HELLO MORE IMPACT + INCOME.

  • Learn how to keep your selling SIMPLE AF yet potent & powerful. The truth? Selling in the online industry is CHANGING. No more anxiety-inducing launches or obsessing over the metrics that don’t actually matter. It’s time to do things differently. It’s time to master FUN, CHILL AF sales.

  • Tap into your limitless personal power and income potential by learning my signature money mindset practices and sales energetics

  • A toolbox of my most profitable sales conversations + pitches. Here you will find my most potent pitches and transcribed sales conversations so the learning never stops and the income is never capped


Module four: Your MILLION, YOUR way. (VALUE: PRICELESS)


You know the fastest way to burn out? Trying to run your business exactly like someone who has a completely different life, lived experiences, values, literally different ALL THE THINGS than you do. Cookie cutter who? Never heard of her. We don’t put your business in a box or baby in the corner (please tell me you got that joke? LOL).

  • Learn how to audit your energy AND strategies to make changes in your business so that sustainability and scalability are NEVER in question 

  • Discover your most potent and profitable tasks to keep things running smoothly all while keeping it SIMPLE af. 

  • Learn the four components of a HIGH cash month offer suite so you can create the JUICIEST client journey and fell GOOD AF while doing it.

  • Revealing my secrets to setting boundaries, serving clients, and communicating in a way that leaves your heart full and your people inspired, empowered & ready to take action

  • Take a look into the backend of my offer suite so you can take what feels good, tweak what’s intriguing and leave the rest. Here we cover organization, systems, client onboarding/offboarding, offer logistics and how my offer suite supports my energy.

 You feel the nudge to invest and TRUST it! Eeeek YAY! You’re IN. Here’s how the magic unfolds:


The truth is I don’t need to offer a sales call, application process, fake countdown timer, or any other false sense of urgency/scarcity to “convince” you to invest in The Cake Money Method. In fact, I teach you how to do just this inside CMM… to market and sell in a way that you’re OBSESSED with and I will ALWAYS be committed to going first.

I used to have an application process to enter our sacred space, but I have been called into a deeper level of trust with my dreamy soulmate clients for this offer. The application process served me well until it no longer did.

I felt the desire to make it as easy as possible for you to access this potent curriculum, our epic community and the transformational-beyond-words coaching calls as soon as you feel called to do so. I also felt the desire to make it as easy as possible for my dreamy clients to pay me (those who get it, get. it. AND will likely join us inside). So, that’s exactly what I did. Again, as your mentor, I will ALWAYS be willing to trust the nudges and go first. It’s a part of what allows my clients (and myself) to collapse so much time around money.

I completely trust that you will know when it’s the absolute perfect time to join us inside CMM to experience the most divine-lead and perfect transformation. You’ll feel the fear, but you’ll allow your dreams to be bigger. You’ll feel the fear, but you’ll make the very aligned + empowered decision to go first by investing. & then you’ll experience what it means when I say “& then the universe responds.”

1. Once you invest, you’ll receive an email explaining all that you need to know to blow your own fucking mind… in your life, your business, and your bank account.
2. You’ll receive immediate access to the pre-work (along with many other juicy things listed on this page) that… and I quote from current clients… have been “worth the entire investment alone.“ The pre-work alone has lead to breakthroughs worth billions.
3. I will be inside waiting to celebrate you SO FREAKING BIG. We all will.

CHEERS to THE BEST year EVER together. We cannot wait to welcome you to our CMM fam!


Feeling aligned is a MUST-HAVE 


When you walk into your business, you gotta feel energized and ready to f*cking GO. If something gives you the ‘ick’ or a strategy doesn’t match what’s in your heart... 

Burn that sh*t to the ground! 

Because when you enter the Cake Money Method, you’re gonna: 

  • Love your mission so damn much that you can talk about it for HOURS and get rid of all those voices that try to make ya play small

  • Maximize your impact so that you can speak directly to the people who give a sh*t about literally EVERYTHING you say

  • Feel so damn empowered by selling that your bank account notifications *ping* all the freakin’ time

  • Give ZERO f*cks about what other people think and show up as all of you. The real you. In all your marketing and in every aspect of your brand.

  • Have a rock-solid (and powerful AF) support system that’s ready to hype you up with that LFG energy every time you make a big move

  • Make a SH*T-TON of money by leaning into your potent magic and building something that is crazy aligned with what you want 


What the heckenbob is up fam, I’m Taylor Quinn. 

Let’s cut through the rainbow sprinkles and get right to it.

I scaled my business from $0 to $116,000 in less than SEVEN months while also teaching full-time. My first full calendar year in business? OVER $400,000 CASH MONEY while full-time teaching and feeling nauseous af everyday of my life (hellooo growing a tiny human… IYKYK). YEAHH, you read that right.

But that high energy, big money, successful business didn’t happen by accident. NOPE. I realized pretty quickly that if I’m going to DO THIS, I’m doing it right.

No wasted time. No wasted money. No missed opportunities.

Honestly, as a full-time teacher, I didn’t have money OR time to waste. So I got laser focused on money-making tasks and created a strategy that not only helped me build a business—but skyrocketed my income faster than I ever dreamed of.

Along the way I realized, “I WANT TO HELP OTHER WOMEN DO THIS!” Because holy poop it feels really freaking good. 

And THAT’S where The Cake Money Method comes in 🎂  It’s my one-of-a-kind, signature framework that teaches you how to hone-in on what matters most and forget the fluff (& the shit that doesn’t feel good)—so your impact AND your dollars exceed all expectations.

Can I get a F*CK YESS?!

If any of these sound like you, I better hear ya!


You have a few clients that you ADORE but that consistent income feels like a pipe dream right now. 

Bro marketing and anything that starts with ‘here are 3 tactics’ make ya wanna snooze and shut down your laptop…STAT 

You’re making pretty good money or even GOOD money but you’re tired AF. Like anytime you see a Sandals commercial, you’re ready to book a flight and GTFO 

You’re crazy burned out when you think about hopping on another sales call, following a coach’s ‘rule’, or developing a sales script. Like NO 👏 thank 👏 you 👏

The idea of working less and makin’ more is so f*ckin’ sexy that you’re willing to go ALL IN to make that YOUR reality 

You’re tired of filtering out your actual voice and trying to be ~professional~ when all ya really want is to do business as YOU. 

You need a lil’ bit of fire under your booty AND a loud (but loving) voice that’s gonna scream YOU CAN DO WHATEVER THE F*CK FEELS GOOD TO YOU 

You’re ready to ditch your 9-5, your entrepreneurial grind, or really anything that is wearing you down. Destination wealthy woman with an EPIC business and ridiculous work-life balance? Here we come. 

You KNOW you are capable of building something with so. much. power. But the ‘how’ is tripping you up. And a simple business that generates a sh*t-ton of cash is HIGH on your ‘yes’ list. 


Hear from the Cake Money Fam


Katie, Nutrition Expert

“I started working with Taylor when I was a coach for a network marketing company! Although I loved the company and still do, I really felt called to be able to work with people in a different way. I saw how Taylor was able to do that herself, so I took the plunge first into her group coaching program and then as a 1:1 client! The support for Taylor is UNREAL! She is so helpful, an amazing mentor, and literally walks me through every step of business! I was able to sell out my first launch and am now planning a master class that I’m confident in and excited AF about because Taylor literally walks me through everything and makes me feel supported at all times!”

Emily, Business Coach

“Working with Taylor is fucking amazing! When we started working together, I was charging beta pricing & struggling to sign clients. Not only was my biz suffering but my mindset around my biz was hurting. Taylor has taught me PRICELESS strategies, methods, tools, all the things I could ever need to be a profitable business coach. My launches went from hearing crickets when talking about my offer to having clients in my DMs asking how they can work with me!! My first round of group coaching has brought in a solid $11.4k while working with Taylor. The Cake Money Method is EVERYTHING you need to scale to 6-figs!! I cannot recommend working with Taylor enough. TAKE THE LEAP!”

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Value: This sh*t is POTENT 


Once you say ‘yes’ to yourself and to building a business with ease and simplicity – you’re gonna: 

  • Make consistent and mind-blowing money

  • Develop a rock-solid mindset that supports your multi 6 figure goals

  • Create a free-flowin’ business that feels you AF and is actually FUN

  • Love marketing and sales (I sh*t you not - you’re gonna be so f*cking good you’ll wanna do MORE of it)

  • Say HELL YES to all of your dreams and fully go for what you want without the side of ‘well maybe I shouldn’t’

  • LOVE your job. Like feel energized when you wake up every. damn. morning. 


Making money is easy as CAKE 


Grab access to Cake Money Method and get all my fluff-free advice served up hot on a silver platter. 


By signing up, you’ll get:

  • LIFETIME ACCESS to the Cake Money Method learning modules

  • 2 community coaching calls per month for a YEAR. They’re overflowing with answers to juicy questions, accountability, feedback and soul nourishing (+ tough love) support.

  • Access to the EXCLUSIVE FB community. (Hope you’re ready to build a f*cking awesome business alongside women who KNOW they can have it all, too)

  • Money-makin’ bonuses that are worth an extra $20K (no big deal… but also like a really BIG f*cking deal)


Pay In Full

Investment: $2000


Go for the Payment Plans

$550 per month for 4 months

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You got questions? I got answers!

  • Do you have an offer you want to market and sell online in a way that feels good yet ACTUALLY works (like helloooo we are here to make money, not JUST change lives)?

    OR an idea you want to turn into an offer and sell online?

    BEAUTIFUL. You’re in the right place.

  • Do you love the way you’re marketing and selling right now?

    Are you giving your power away and second guessing yourself all the time when launching/selling/having sales convos?

    Does your business feel forced?

    If you answered yes to any of the above, CMM is perfect for ya.

  • To put it simply, no. Inside CMM we focus solely on marketing + selling your digital offers (ex. courses, group programs, masterminds, 1:1, etc) or DFY services based packages (copy writing, VA, OBM, etc). HOWEVER, if you run a brick and mortar and are desiring to increase your income by tapping into the online industry, YES. CMM would be a GREAT!

  • Lifetime access to the CMM curriculum (aka as long as I am offering this program, you’re getting access). You’ll receive immediate access to the OG curriculum and access to the REVAMPED curriculum as it rolls out beginning in March 2022.

    Two community live coaching calls per month for an entire YEAR lead by YA GIRL.

    An exclusive FB community with all the other CMM members.

  • The investment in CMM does not include 1:1 access. If you would like 1:1 access to me, DM me and we chat about upgrades!